Team Leader, Prime Focus Technologies
I chose to study at Leeds Trinity because of its incredible employment figures, it seemed like a place that would set me up well for working life.
Why I chose to study at Leeds Trinity
I chose to study at Leeds Trinity because of its incredible employment figures, it seemed like a place that would set me up well for working life.
What I loved about the course
I took Film and Media, the best thing about the course was how hands on everything was, and how easily we could access the library of equipment at our disposal. It was also great to have such small class sizes, it means that no one falls through the cracks and everyone is able to have 1-on-1 time with lecturers.
My favourite memory would have to be producing and directing my third year film, no doubt that experience aged me 10 years but it also taught me more than I ever could’ve expected.
Valuable placements and leaving University with newfound confidence
My placements were hugely beneficial to me, in my second year I worked with Proper Sport Radio, from which I went on to work freelance with them and occasionally still do to this day.
I left University with far greater confidence in my ability to take on projects, that I think was the big change in me. University allowed me to prove to myself that with the right mindset (and team) you can get just about anything done.
How my career has panned out since graduating
Since leaving Leeds Trinity I’ve worked at ITV as a Content Delivery Coordinator before working at Prime Focus Technologies as a Team Leader. In my free time I do freelance filming work with Premier League football teams, MMA events and top flight rugby teams.
My advice to students
My advice to new students is this: don’t lose faith, progression is not always linear, three weeks before I got my first industry job at ITV I was turned down by a restaurant for waiting tables. Persistence pays off, and once you’re in, you’re in!