Creative Writing Teacher and Poet
With a new-found confidence I started to send my work out more and was successful very quickly. As well as the external recognition and growing reputation in the field I also received a distinction for my MA.
My best student memories
I was the oldest student on the course and possibly in the whole University, but I thrived in this environment. After undertaking a professional placement at a Further Education College, I realised that not only did I have a passion for English but I also wanted to teach. So I set my sights on a PGCE.
Challenges along the way
After having to take some time off from University after surgery I didn’t get a place on the PGCE course, so I went off to do an MA at Manchester, in Creative Writing, but dropped out after one semester. I worked in home care for three years which was very hard work and at the same time very fulfilling, but I still really wanted to do something with my degree. When Leeds Trinity advertised the MA in Creative Writing I was overjoyed to be accepted for a place in 2013.
How the MA in Creative Writing has supported my career
The course really boosted my confidence and lecturer Paul Hardwick encouraged me to send my work out. This paid off after my work was published with two other students in 'An After Dinner's Sleep' published by Indigo Dreams.
With a new-found confidence I started to send my work out more and was successful very quickly. As well as the external recognition and growing reputation in the field I also received a distinction for my MA.
Continuing my learning journey
After completing my MA at Leeds Trinity I was successful in getting a place on the Huddersfield Lifelong Learning PGCE. I chose this as it would enable me to work with older children and adults
My biggest writing successes
My work has appeared in The Interpreter’s House, Strix and Prole and online on Clear Poetry, Algebra of Owls and Runcible Spoon and in anthologies published by Beautiful Dragons Press, Half Moon Books, Paper Swans Press, Indigo Dreams and Fair Acre Press. In 2016, I won the Ilkley Literature Festival Open Mic Competition and I’ve been commended in the Mother’s Milk pamphlet competition and in the Poetry Space summer competition 2018My first collection was published by Yaffle in April 2019.
My career
In essence I have a portfolio career. I work at Swarthmore Education Centre where I teach Creative Writing, Life Skills, and GCSE English Language as well as teaching Creative Writing and knitting in the community. I’ve also run some workshops at Keighley and Bradford Libraries.
My advice for current students
Maybe you are on the right road, it just may be not the one you expected to be on.