Teacher, Fairview International School
I enjoyed the variety of speakers that were brought in to speak to us and the way discussion was such a prominent feature in most lectures. This really allowed me to gain further understanding of topics.
Why I chose to attend Leeds Trinity
I chose to study at Leeds Trinity after attending an applicants day as the staff and students I spoke to were so friendly and really emphasised that at the University you are not just a number.
What I enjoyed most about the course
I enjoyed the variety of speakers that were brought in to speak to us and the way discussion was such a prominent feature in most lectures. This really allowed me to gain further understanding of topics.
The lecturers really value you and always went above and beyond to provide support and take an interest in you.
Utilising placement opportunities
Unfortunately due to the pandemic, I was unable to do my first choice placement which was working in student support in a local school. But I ended up finding a placement at an online tutoring company which provided me with lots of valuable insight into the numerous ways children engage with lessons. I spent five weeks creating resources for the company to use for specific age ranges and subjects.
Plans after graduation
After graduating in 2022 I will be moving to Scotland until December to gain some teaching experience at Fairview International School. In 2023, I will then venture to Malaysia where I will be placed in one of Fairview’s schools for two years. Here I will complete a PDGE provided to me through a scholarship where I will have my own class to teach and I even have the chance to do a Masters through them as well.
My advice for others
I would 100% advise others to take opportunities abroad as I just think there are so many benefits. It’s a scary thought to up and leave everything I have known but going out of my comfort zone will allow me to gain so many new experiences and memories in a very new environment. There is also a possibility of full-time work once my two years are over so I could end up living over there for much longer!