Project Coordinator & Digital Content Producer, Dortech Doors
The smaller size of the University and course appealed as I thought I would get more help and support, and that is exactly what happened.
Why I chose to study at Leeds Trinity
I really liked the sound of how hands on and practical the course at Leeds Trinity was. The smaller size of the University and course appealed as I thought I would get more help and support, and that is exactly what happened.
Great memories
A favourite memory was spending an entire day in the TV studio on campus working on a group project. We rehearsed our show a dozen or so times and we became slightly delirious from doing the same thing over and over. However, the feeling of satisfaction I got from people laughing at the jokes I wrote in the script by myself in my dorm room a few days earlier was so worth it.
I got the opportunity to work with AV equipment and get help and advice from experts in their field that I would never have had the opportunity to do so otherwise.
Utilising the placements at Leeds Trinity
I undertook a placement with Trinity Fitness on campus. Three of us from the course formed a pretend production company and took on Trinity Fitness as a client and treated them in a professional capacity and learned a lot from the process, from planning meetings, to scheduling the filming, editing and delivery of the final project, which they were more than happy with and surprised with the quality of the content we were able to produce.
My career after graduation
Since graduating I have worked as a media professional, so all has gone well so far. I am eternally grateful for all the help and support I received during my time at Leeds Trinity, ranging from family, friends and University staff, not just the lecturers but also the amazing staff in the Media Services Team.
My career highlights
One career highlight would have to be the time I was sent to San Diego to film some footage for a company I was working for. It was an all-expenses paid trip and I stayed at a 5 star resort. However, the real career highlights for me have been able to do something I love and enjoy doing on a daily basis. I do feel very blessed and lucky to have the opportunity to work in a field I like and learn new things all of the time and see the results of my hard work in a finished project.
Working as a Project Coordinator
My role at Dortech Doors involves me handling all of the marketing and content creation for the company. I also ensure the smooth delivery across the department from sales, to the design, manufacture and delivery departments. I also photograph and film content to produce marketing materials, ranging from photos, gifs, promotional videos. I also get to use the company drone, which they have paid for my license to fly. A highlight at my current company would be I produced an advert that went on Sky TV.
My advice to those wanting to follow a similar path
The advice I would give to current students is to work hard and really put yourself out there. At University you may feel like you don’t have time to do anything else apart from your course work. However, you have more time as a student than you will ever have when working, so volunteer to help out other people on your course with their projects, even if it’s just being a background extra or holding a boom pole (which I have done myself).
The more you do the better you get, so just look at helping people out and volunteering to get practise and experience, all it will cost you is a bit of free time. Also, you have all this amazing equipment at your fingertips, come up with reasons to use it. If it’s a friend from back home or a family member who wants to make a music video, be the first person to volunteer and make it. If you keep saying yes to things and do a good job people will start to think of you as a good reliable person and you never know where these connections could lead.