Primary Teacher
I was equipped with the relevant knowledge and experience to help me gain my first teaching job.
Achieving my dream
I absolutely loved my Primary Education degree and it enabled me to continue that passion in becoming a Primary School Teacher after graduating.
My time at Leeds Trinity
I left Leeds Trinity University in July 2015 with a 'backpack full of experiences'. From the variation of modules, to the vast school placements, I was equipped with the relevant knowledge and experience to help me gain my first teaching job.
A valuable student experience
One of my favourite experiences was the two-week alternative setting placement I completed in my second year at a special needs school for children with profound and multiple learning disabilities. I then continued to teach English as an additional language to children in Poland for two weeks at an English and Sport Summer Camp. The University allowed me to do this through a link that has been well established over the years, and the experience allowed me to increase my confidence in teaching children with EAL whilst also exploring Poland and the Czech Republic.
Going back to my old school!
Above are just a handful of the experiences that Leeds Trinity gave me through its strong Primary Education course, which allowed me to complete my course with a 2:1 degree and get a job as a Primary School Teacher at my previous junior school.
Why I wrote a blog
As a new teacher I created my blog about teaching to encourage other young professionals to get into the profession. At this time I found there was so much negativity surrounding teaching that I felt it was needed.