Marketing Manager, Dynamic Networks Group
The most memorable experience from my time studying at Leeds Trinity has to be the support given to me by my Leadership Module Tutor.
Why I chose to attend Leeds Trinity
I chose to attend Leeds Trinity University as growing up in a small town near Nottinghamshire, I wasn’t an overly confident person and the thought of moving to a large city and attending a University with thousands of students did put me off. Leeds Trinity is a much smaller university, and students are treated as people and not numbers, which means that there is much more opportunity for us to receive individual support. When visiting the university on an open day, all the staff were friendly and the campus was clean and easy to get around.
My most memorable student experiences
The most memorable experience from my time studying at Leeds Trinity has to be the support given to me by my Leadership Module Tutor ‘Emma Roberts’. During the module, I was having a hard time at my then current job in regards to the working hours and rate of pay for the amount of responsibility I had been given. During my one-to-one session with Emma, she really opened my eyes as to how much I was worth as a person.
The famous line in my previous job every time I mentioned any issues was ‘you’re just a student’, and after so many months of working there, I lead myself to believe that students are treated with less respect than working professionals. After having the conversation with Emma, I had an entire new perspective on how I should be treated, and found myself a new job which boosted my confidence drastically. If it wasn’t for the support from Emma, I don’t think I would have made that decision so quickly.
How my time at Leeds Trinity prepared me for my career
During my time at Trinity, I had to complete two professional placements. One of the placements was for Arc Inspirations as a Marketing Intern. This office role was a huge help for me when it came to making the decision if I really did want a Marketing job, as beforehand I was worried that I would end up not liking it. I spent my time learning how to use many marketing platforms that I now use in my current marketing role. Working in an office 9-5 for 6 weeks definitely increased my confidence working in an office environment, which in turn has helped me with my new role.
My career after graduating
After graduating I became the Marketing Manager at Dynamic Networks Group, after a short time as the Marketing Assistant. The Marketing Manager left the company, which gave me the opportunity to become a Manager early in my career. I am currently responsible for all marketing activity for the company, including the management of all social media channels, managing the website, the designing of all marketing collateral, managing PR relationships, the creation of campaigns and managing the ROI/marketing budget.
Career highlights
My career highlight has to be how much my confidence has grown in such a short space of time. When leaving my previous job, I never thought I would be on the path to becoming a Marketing Manager within the space of a year. I have been given the opportunity to speak in front of bigger groups of people, including the Board of Directors and have been given the freedom to show my employer what I am capable of. Dynamic Networks Group has given me a sense of purpose and importance and I am proud to be a member of their team.
My advice for a prospective student considering a course at Leeds Trinity
If I had to give advice to anyone starting their student life at Leeds Trinity University, I would say to never struggle in silence. If you are having trouble with any of your modules, your lecturers/tutors WILL offer you all the support you need, you just need to ask. Also, it may seem like the professional placement is a massive effort at the time, but looking back on it, I learnt invaluable life skills that I will carry on with me in my career.