Strategic Development Manager, Humpty Dumpty Day Nurseries
I can say without hesitation that if it wasn’t for my experiences at Leeds Trinity I would not find myself where I am today.
How my time studying at Leeds Trinity helped shape my career
I can say without hesitation that if it wasn’t for my experiences at Leeds Trinity I would not find myself where I am today. The opportunities Leeds Trinity allowed me to develop both as an education student and as a student in general. It helped me to learn those reflective skills I believe all good educators require.
My aspirations when I was training
Ever since completing work experience as an A-Level student I knew I wanted to find myself in a profession where I could impassion people and pass on information in a variety of ways. Teaching is most certainly a vocation. Whilst I was training, I do not mind sharing that I had some challenging moments whilst on placement. The support from the tutors at Trinity helped me through these times and I firmly believe that the practical experiences I was gifted from the Trinity staff and the partner schools have shaped the Teacher I have become today
What I love about my career
The times I love the most is in the prolonged periods of time I spend with our children and especially with the children for whom life has placed barriers or hurdles in front of them when it comes to accessing learning and education. I find the early years such a rewarding area to work with.
The best advice I’ve been given for my career
It is about the children. It always has been, and it always will be. Alongside the fact that there is no such thing as bad weather just bad clothing choices.
My advice for students
Take every opportunity to learn, develop and listen to the feedback you receive. We and the schools I work with recruit from placements and if we see potential and talent we have no hesitation in offering employment.
Have a CV and covering letter that stands out from the competition. Typically, there can be nearly 150 applications for one job, and nearly half of all the CVs I go through are the same. What employers are really looking for are CVs and covering letters that really tell them about ‘you’, this will help them to easily assess if you will fit in with their establishment.
Visit the school or company you are applying to, the more enthusiasm and interest you have for a role the more you will stand out in your application. Don’t settle for anything that isn’t right for you. Whatever job you do working with children you need to show a real passion, and this must shine through. It is a very competitive industry so don’t settle for just being another teacher, be one that stands out from the crowd, that can clearly demonstrate your passion for the role and show what you can bring to the table