We provide replacement official documents to former students.

On this page you can find details of how to obtain replacement transcripts, statements and certificates for the following types of courses:


Completed studies pre 1997

Undergraduate Replacement Certificates pre 1997 are issued by the University of Leeds. You can contact them on 0113 343 8877 or get more information on the University of Leeds website.

Undergraduate Transcripts can be provided for a fee and you can purchase them on the Leeds Trinity Online Store.

Leeds Trinity can provide a copy of your Undergraduate Confirmation of Award Letter for free if you make an application by downloading the replacement document request form at the bottom of this page.

Completed studies from 1997 to 2006

Undergraduate Replacement Certificates can be provided for a fee of £35.00 and you can purchase them on the Leeds Trinity Online Store.

Undergraduate Result Statements and Undergraduate Confirmation of Award Letters are free of charge by downloading the replacement document request form at the bottom of this page.

Completed studies from 2007 to present

The online store has information on obtaining an Undergraduate Replacement Certificates 2007 to present (includes a transcript). 

Via the store, you can also obtain an undergraduate Transcript only.

Undergraduate Result Statements and confirmation of award letters are available free of charge by downloading the replacement document request form at the bottom of this page.


Completed studies pre 1982

PGCE Replacement Certificate - the University of Leeds will issue your replacement certificate. You can contact them on 0113 3438877 or get more information from this page on their website.

PGCE Confirmation of Award Letter - Make a request using the replacement document request form at the bottom of this page. Student Administration will contact you regarding available information and charges.

Completed studies from 1982 to 1997

PGCE Confirmation of Award Letter (Basic) can be obtained free of charge by downloading the replacement document request form at the bottom of this page.

Use the Leeds Trinity online store to obtain a PGCE Confirmation of Award Letter 1982 to 1997 (Detailed) for a fee of £20. 

A PGCE Replacement Certificate is issued by the University of Leeds - see their website for more information. Or you can contact them on 0113 3438877.

Completed studies from 1997 to present

PGCE Confirmation of Award Letter (Basic) is available free of charge by downloading the replacement document request form at the bottom of this page.

Use the online store to obtain:


Completed studies pre 1997

to obtain a Postgraduate results/Confirmation of Award Letter complete the form at the bottom of this page and return it to Student Administration. They will contact you regarding available information and charges.

Postgraduate Replacement Certificate - the University of Leeds will issue your replacement certificate You can contact them on 0113 3438877. 

Completed studies from 1997 to 2007

Postgraduate Results Statements and confirmation of award letters are available free of charge by downloading the replacement document request form at the bottom of this page.

Use the Leeds Trinity online store to obtain a Postgraduate Replacement Certificate for a fee of £35 

Completed studies from 2007 to present            

Postgraduate Results Statements and Postgraduate Confirmation of Award Letters are available free of charge by completing the replacement document request form which you can download at the bottom of this page.

Use the Leeds Trinity online store to obtain:

Masters of Arts/Science by Research and PhD

Award documentation is produced by the University of Leeds. You can contact them on 0113 343 8877 or find more information on the University of Leeds website.

Replacement document request form

Download the form using the link below.

Other Information

Certifying Documents costs £3.00 per copy.  Please send photocopies (NOT the originals) of your Certificate/Results to Student Administration, Leeds Trinity University, Brownberrie Lane, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5HD, or email scan copies to records@leedstrinity.ac.uk . This service is paid for via the online store.

Syllabus information can be requested using the replacement document request form. Student Administration will contact you regarding availability and charges.

Postage Charges

We aim to produce documents within 20 working days of receiving your payment, however, at certain peak times of the year the processing time may be slightly longer. Please note: Any requests for an update on the progress of your order may delay the process.

Please contact records@leedstrinity.ac.uk if you have any queries related to ordering any replacement documents.

Postage information is available on the online store for:

Diploma Supplement

The Diploma Supplement issued by Leeds Trinity University follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve international transparency and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc).

It is issued as two elements:

  • A Higher Education Achievement Record (transcript) - setting out the individual and academic information on an individual holder of one of the University awards as required.
  • A General Description of the modular programme arrangements and requirements for taught awards at Leeds Trinity University, setting out the information as required.

For further information, including how to download your applicable Diploma Supplement, please visit the Higher Education Achievement Record and Diploma Supplement page.

Name changes for graduates

The University is unable to retrospectively make changes to graduate names on electronic records or documentation (e.g. award certificates, transcripts). This includes, but is not limited to, name changes due to marriage, divorce, change of name deed or inclusion of additional names.

Electronic records can however be changed and documentation reissued if the requested post-award name change is due to a gender reassignment. If this applies, the graduate should inform the University in writing to the address below and include the following:

  • Name at the time of graduation
  • Student number (if known)
  • Date of birth
  • Change of name deed/new birth certificate/Gender Recognition Certificate
  • Confirmation that the graduate wishes for name and gender to be updated on the University’s record system
  • Previously issued documents if available

If a graduate believes that they have other circumstances that warrant exceptional consideration, they can apply in writing, with appropriate supporting documentation, to the address below.

Student Records
Student Administration
Leeds Trinity University
Brownberrie Lane
LS18 5HD

Email: records@leedstrinity.ac.uk