As a Traineee Teacher Segment Manager for Twinkl Educational Publishing, I have a unique opportunity to support trainee and newly qualified teachers from the perspective of someone who has stumbled a few times themselves. Teaching is an incredibly rewarding career, but it also can be stressful and demanding. I learnt this the hard way but never gave up and took the necessary actions to get to where I needed to be. I could however have done this in a much better way and not let it eat away at me for so long.
Experience as a newly qualified teacher
My first role in teaching was a massive learning experience. I went for the first job that became available in 2011, but then I left two thirds of the way through my newly qualified teacher (NQT) year, after being advised by the Union to leave. As you can imagine, this did make me question if I really wanted to be a teacher. The answer was yes; I still wanted to be a teacher and a positive outcome came out of one of the hardest points in my career.
After I resigned, I picked up two weeks of supply work at a primary school in Ossett, West Yorkshire. But the two weeks turned into seven years and my confidence was boosted as I became the Early Years Leader. Not only this, after I was open and honest at the beginning the school really helped me finish my NQT year. I threw myself in to everything at this time, both as a Teacher Governor and Chair of the PTA.
Special Education Needs provision
After seven years, I really wanted a Special Educational Needs (SEN) role so I started to investigate the options available. In January 2017 I started a new role at a special needs school, and this was challenging, interesting and rewarding as well as a really big step up. I was teaching children with severe medical and learning needs. I had to learn a lot, including how to provide the best possible learning environment for children with autism.
Unfortunately, I became very stressed seven years into my teaching career in a demanding role as a SEN teacher. I didn’t ask for help, which led me to becoming very overwhelmed. I knew I wasn’t delivering to the best of my ability, so I looked elsewhere.
Supporting trainee teachers at Twinkl
My role as a Trainee Teacher Segment Manager atTwinkl Educational Publishing started in 2020 and ensured I lost none of my passion for teaching. My role centres around supporting trainee teachers, which is just perfect for me. For seven years I was the School Based Tutor for trainees, and I honed my skills during this time.
I orchestrate numerous sessions, Facebook live events and video blogs, which give people the opportunity to ask questions and receive support. In a relatively short amount of time, I have built up a big audience and it is very fulfilling to reach so many people in each session.
Adam Kenyon graduated in 2011 with a BA in Primary Education: Early Years.