Dr Edward Noon, Senior Lecturer in Children, Young People, and Families at Leeds Trinity University has published a new study highlighting the benefits of Instagram communities for queer youth.
The study was published in the Journal of Adolescence and is based on research conducted by Dr Edward Noon alongside academics from universities in the United States, Austria, the Czech Republic and Poland. It investigated how 460 sexual minority youth used Instagram to access supportive communities over a four-month period, with three surveys being conducted at two -month intervals. The young people who took part experienced a variety of attitudes regarding their sexualities offline, including perceived stigma, which was shown as a key factor in them seeking like-minded communities on social media.
Notably, the study showed that Instagram use can boost queer young people’s wellbeing, and contribute to an upwards spiral of psychological benefits, wherein the better youth feel while accessing communities on Instagram, the more engaged they become, and the more their wellbeing is boosted.
The research will provide a strong basis for research-informed interventions within sexual minority youth’s support networks, including schools. On a larger scale, the study could generate the necessary knowledge for social media companies to tailor their algorithms in ways that promote supportive resources and communities to young people who may benefit from online support.
Dr Edward Noon said: “With this study, we sought to better understand how sexual minority youth could harness social media to enhance wellbeing.
“Our results suggest that social media can be an important environment for sexual minority youth to build community and find belonging. These findings can inform interventions that key stakeholders – such as parents, educators and support networks – can use to promote healthy social media use amongst young people.”
The study was undertaken by Dr Edward Noon, Dr Chelly Maes, Postgraduate Researcher at the University of North Carolina, Dr Kathrin Karsay, Assistant Professor at the University of Vienna, Dr Chia-chen Yang, Associate Professor at Oklahoma State University, Dr Ondra Pesout, Research Assistant at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University and Michał Mikołaj Stefańczyk, Researcher at the University of Wroclaw.
Dr Chia-chen Yang, Associate Professor in Educational Psychology at Oklahoma State University, said: “A study like this is important because it provides a deeper understanding of how social media engagement can shape the wellbeing of sexual minority youth over time. While prior research has suggested that online communities can offer support, much of this work has been qualitative or cross-sectional.
“This survey study allows us to clarify the direction and reciprocity of the relationships between social media engagement, perceived stigma, and wellbeing. Distinguishing whether this engagement serves as a compensatory mechanism for stigma, or as an enhancer of wellbeing, can inform more effective interventions. Given the unique challenges faced by sexual minority youth, understanding these dynamics is crucial for promoting their mental health and resilience.”
The study is part of a wider piece of research around social media use among queer youth, with an initial study having looked at how young people express themselves on social media, and whether self-expression on Instagram informs the process of identity development. Another study is also underway and investigates the implications of bias-based cyber-bullying victimisation among sexual minority youth.
The research aims to contribute to policy and practice around healthy social media habits, especially among young people at risk of being stigmatised due to their sexual identity.
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