Leeds Trinity University values the opportunity to build relationships and support teachers and advisers in raising aspirations and progression to Higher Education (HE), whilst also meeting key Gatsby benchmarks. 

Our Student Recruitment team provide a range of activities, delivered in your school/college or on our Main Campus in Horsforth, to inspire and engage your students. Take a look at the activities below to find out how we can work together.

Students socialising in a lecture.

Subject Focus Days

Subject Focus Days provide academic and application workshops for Year 12/13 and Year 1/2 college students.

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Open Day

Bring your students to explore our Main Campus, chat to lecturers and students, and get UCAS advice.

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Student learning engaging in a lecture .

Post-16 Summer School

The Post-16 Summer School is a residential for Year 12 / Year 1 College students held at Leeds Trinity.

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Students learning and engaging in a lecture.

Inspire Programme

Presentations, workshops and activities designed to inspire prospective students.

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Student speaking on placement speaking to work colleagues.

Workshops for teachers and advisers

Events for Information, Advice and Guidance specialists.

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lecturer teaching to a room of students.


Find out more about the Leeds Trinity Education Network and how to become a member.

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Care Leavers

We provide additional support for young people who are both in and leaving care.

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Pre-16 workshops and events

Workshops in your school or at our Main Campus for Year 8, 9, and 10.

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