Studying at university requires a high level of independence and a shift in approach from how you may have studied before. At Leeds Trinity, however, it’s important to remember you’re never alone.

The Learning Hub at LTU has put together some video guides to help you get ahead and ensure your time at university is productive.

Part one - Introduction

In this short introductory video, Nick from the Learning Hub talks us through what will be covered in the series and how it can help you adjust to the demands of university study.

Watch part one

Part two - Ready Steady Study

In this second video, we look at some key recommendations for getting organised and some important digital platforms we use at LTU. We also hear from current LTU students who give their top tips for preparing to study.

Take a short quiz at the end to test your knowledge.

Watch part two Take the quiz

Part three - Beat the Clock

In this video, Kamil from the Learning Hub covers some helpful ways you can begin to think about managing your time better, including reflecting on your goals and priorities, thinking ahead and limiting ‘time thieves’.

Watch part three Download your weekly planner

Part four - The Need to Read

Student Achievement Adviser Margaret talks us through the importance of reading widely to deepen your understanding and boost your chance of success in assignments. We also cover some top tips for efficient and effective notetaking. This section includes a quick task at the end to put what you’ve learned into practice.

Watch part four Read our guide on using OneNote

Part five - Write Right

Zoe from the Learning Hub explains how your writing style may need to adapt and develop for university assignments, and talks us through four stages to consider when writing at university. Preparation is key, but reviewing your work is equally as important.

Watch part five Download our Write Right activity

Part six - Mind the Gap

In the final part of this series, Emma from the Learning Hub busts some common myths about studying at university and talks about the exciting freedom it brings. We also hear from some current LTU students about their experiences.

Watch part six Take the quiz

Once you’re a student at Leeds Trinity, the Learning Hub will be on hand to help you develop your time management and organisation skills if you need it.

We look forward to welcoming you.